Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)

What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)?

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is an unique hypnosis tool founded by Dolores Cannon in the 1970s. QHHT utilises the natural brainwave, Theta, to help people reach a deeply relaxing state. Scientifically, the theta state in the brain plays a critical role in both recording and recalling declarative memory (facts or memories of past events) as well as emotional experiences (Jensen, Adachi & Hakimian, 2015).

How does QHHT differ from Past Life Regression and other hypnosis?

  • In the early 2000s, after years of practising and refining the technique, Dolores decided to name her unique hypnosis method as “Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique”. The name QHHT describes the advanced technique more accurately. During a QHHT session, some people may see past lives, and others may see lives in another dimension or planet, or even earlier periods in their current life. The Subconscious always brings us to the most appropriate time and place so that it can provide us the most useful information based on where we currently are in the life journey. 
  • Many people are more familiar with the term “Past Life Regression”, and it was how Dolores Cannon first started. However, unlike other past life regression techniques, QHHT brings people to communicate with the all-knowing-part-of-themselves under the trance state. She called this all knowing part as “The Subconscious”, or commonly known as “the Higher Self”, “Oversoul”, and “Higher Consciousness”. This is the greater part in us that’s connected to The Source, Universe or God. The Subconscious knows everything about us, and can provide us with the most appropriate and helpful information to assist us. 
  • Instead of giving suggestions (e.g., quit smoking) to clients under trance in clinical hypnosis, Dolores Cannon emphasised on the facilitative role of the QHHT practitioner. In QHHT, the practitioner facilitates the process by asking questions, helping the participant to navigate in past lives, and assisting the participant receive information from the Subconscious directly. Dolores also taught QHHT practitioners to provide options for the participant during the session and respect their free will. Even when you’re under trance and seeing a past life, you can choose to go to certain places or people that you drawn to. 

The Process of QHHT

Steps 01:

The first part of the session is the interview. During the interview, we will get acquainted and build rapport with you. We will ask questions to understand who you are, the reasons why you’re interested in QHHT, important relationships in your lives etc. It’s important for us to ask these questions and understand the significant events in your life because anything in your current life may come out in the regression later, and we need to have sufficient information to assist you.

Steps 02:

The second part of the session is the regression. After the interview, we will ask you to lie down with eyes closed. We will help you reach a deeply relaxing state where the theta brainwave is activated. Under the theta state, you will receive the most appropriate and helpful information from the Subconscious/Higher Self. You’ll be fully aware during the session. We will be conversing and guiding you throughout. 

Steps 03:

The third part of the session is the communication with the Subconscious. After directly communicating with the Subconscious/Higher Self, we will have a debrief. We will help you process the information you received if needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

You need to prepare a list of questions you would like to ask the Higher Self / Subconscious / Universe. It’s better if you can have a light meal before the session and not consume too much caffeine. We don’t advise driving immediately after the session. 

If you don’t have specific questions to ask but still want to have a QHHT session, there might be important information the Universe wants to show you. In such cases, you don’t need to bring a list of questions.

People below the age of 18 are not suitable for QHHT. People with psychotic symptoms such as visual or auditory hallucinations are not suitable for QHHT. 

For people who are interested in past lives yet not suitable or ready for QHHT, you may consider receiving a Past Life Reiki session here.

The Subconscious/ Higher Self will take you to the most appropriate time and place. It will not show you things that you’re not ready for. If you saw a particular past life with painful experiences, it is for a good reason. It could be that you need healing or release, or there are important lessons / information you need to learn from.

The short answer is no. However, you might experience emotional release, mild fatigue, physical tingling etc during and/or after the session. We encourage you to tell us how you’re feeling during the session so that we can guide you throughout without having to experience the painful sensation.

If you choose to undergo a QHHT session and want to connect to the Subconscious based on your own free will, you will receive some information even if it’s not past lives. 


Some people don’t receive the information through seeing, but through feeling or having messages popped up in their mind. 

If for some reason, you’re unable to receive any information and do not want to try anymore, we (the practitioners) can receive the information on your behalf. In such cases, the session will be shortened and you’re only required to pay 50% of the usual rate of a QHHT session.

No. The techniques developed by Dolores Cannon were tested rigorously throughout her 40 years of practice, and she always made sure that it was safe for the client. We follow closely on the techniques being taught by Dolores in the QHHT training.

Many people find one session to be enough. Some people might come back for the 2nd or 3rd session after quite some time because they are encountering new challenges in life.

Benefits of QHHT
  • Release blockages from past lives
  • Discover your life purposes 
  • Learn about your soul contracts
  • Release karmic bonds with others 
  • Connect to your Higher Self or Spirit Guide
What you need to know

The entire session will take 4.5 hours.

We will provide you with an audio recording of the regression. We will delete the recording after 5 days.

All information acquired during the QHHT session will be kept confidential

QHHT Testimonials

Sebastian, 38yo, Singapore

Fashion Stylist

Hui Yin is like no other. She didn’t just blindly facilitate the QHHT regression. She took the time to know and understand what my core issues are so when the opportunity arises during the regression, she could ask the right questions in order for you to have the answers. Not everyone does that. Thoroughly impressed!

Vivian, 29 yo, Singapore


After the session with Hui Yin, I felt less numb and could feel my feelings more. I remembered my past trauma and most importantly, was able to think more clearly what specifically I had to do and what steps that I need to take to move forward and improve on myself and my life. I also realised that there is a lot of healing that needs to be done as well. My emotions and hurt carried on after the session, as well as more clarity on how to help myself. Hui Yin was very professional and calm during the session which helped me to relax during the session with her.


Samantha, 32yo, Singapore

Business Owner

I had a QHHT session with Hui Yin about a month ago. I was told to think about the questions and curiosities I would like to explore during our session, and Hui Yin was very helpful in giving guidance and sample questions so that I could formulate my own list. I also received a service agreement and consent form a day before the session which detailed what to expect the next day.

Before the QHHT, Hui Yin went through all the questions that I had and rephrased or summarised the questions so that it could be asked in the most effective way during the session. As we probed deeper into the intentions of the questions, some deep emotions stirred up within me. Hui Yin’s undivided presence and professional background in therapy allowed her to hold a really safe space for me to move through my emotions, which sparked some additional insights.

Overall, Hui Yin’s intuitive guidance and knowing helped create a smooth experience during the hypnosis. I walked away with lots of information, insight and guidance from my Higher Self that I will continue to assimilate over the next few months. I highly recommend giving QHHT a go at least once in your life!

James N, 32yo, Malaysia


Hui Yin professionally explained the entire therapy process so I was at ease knowing I am in good hand. The whole session was relaxing and enjoyable. 2 months after the therapy, I am more forgiven and acceptance towards myself. Overall, I see improvement in my happiness and level of confidence. Definitely benefited in immeasurable way.

Belle, 34yo, Singapore


I had Hui Yin as my facilitator for my past-life regression. Before the session, I was very nervous and had a lot of questions because this was my first time doing past life regression. Hui yin had been extremely reassuring and had put my mind at ease. She was very knowledgeable and patiently answered my questions. She also clarified and assured me before the session started to ensure that we both had the same understanding and expectations, which gave me the confidence to participate. Throughout the session, she was extremely professional, and I felt heard and respected. If any of my other friends wanted to experience former life regression, I would without a doubt suggest her.

Rayne, 35 yrs old, Singapore


I came to know Huiyin from my friend, who asked if I’m interested in this therapy that she is currently practising in. Because I have some issues that I’ve been pondering about, I decided to take a try and see approach and my friend helped me contact Huiyin for a session. However, as this is something I’ve never experienced before, I wasn’t sure what to expect and made some requests. While Huiyin was unable to fulfill them all, she was very patient and went out of her way to fulfill as many as she could. After understanding my issues, we went ahead with the session and she explained to me what the therapy is about, how we will progress and made sure I’m comfortable. To be honest, the session wasn’t something that turned out comfortable for me. I think there are people who like these kinds of sessions because they can work on resolving whatever issues they have. But for me, working on the issues is something that is hard and painful. But it was necessary. Even though she is in training and does not have decades of experience under her belt, I do believe that she will gain more experience with each session she does and help more people along the way.

Syam, 36 yo, Singapore


I was going through a stuck in my life and unable to understand or find a solution to it. Hui Yin suggested doing a past life regression and it helped me have clarity. Through her guidance, I was able to understand my needs, purpose in life, and emotions. Her help has allowed me to take the next step in my growth. Would highly recommend this to my friends who are experiencing similar issues as me.

Ros, 36yo, Singapore

Youth worker

I am amazed by the QHHT – past life regression experience. Hui Yin begined by patiently explaining the science behind the methods. She then gently guided me into the regression. The experience was a surreal one, much like experiencing a movie, but full of emotions I did not know I had. The session then ended with a conclusion and processing. I went home thinking about the lessons learned. I would recommend anyone to try this out if they are looking for some guidance and healing.